Tagged: money

chains of debt

What I Hate Most About Debt

Most of the time I try to stay positive about our remaining student loans, but this post details the aspect I hate most about still having debt...

figure out your purpose

What’s Your Why?

You can learn all the money tips there are, but if you never apply them you won't see any positive change in your life. Before even trying to implement positive changes it's important to figure out your reason for doing so. This post discusses how to find your "why" that drives you in your life...

pay off debt or invest

Is it Better to Pay Off Debt or Invest?

This is one of the burning questions in the personal finance community. In this post I detail the key aspects to consider for both choices of accelerating debt repayment or increasing investment contributions, and explain the decision we've employed with our own finances...

financial planning

How Planning Ahead Can Save Money

Our culture is so focused on having everything immediately. On the one hand, convenience is increased and time is saved. On the other hand, its costing us all a lot of extra money. Simply planning ahead before making purchases can avoid a lot of wasted money...

money relationships

Why Money is Important in Relationships

Money impacts all aspects of our lives in some way, whether we like it or not. However, even though money plays such a key role in our daily lives, it’s one of the most taboo subjects in conversation. For those that DO talk openly about their finances with family and trusted friends, it can be incredibly freeing. It involves being vulnerable and sharing a big part of your life, and brings you much closer to the other person...

saving money

No Savings? You’re Doing Something Wrong

Awhile back, a blog post on Elite Daily generated a lot of buzz across social media. In the article, author Lauren Martin dispenses the financial advice to not worry about saving money as a young person, instead “spend money on memorable nights out and enjoy your life.” 

There are numerous reasons why this type of mindset is silly, but this thinking is far from uncommon in this generation.