Category: Saving

buy happiness

Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness – But Here’s What Can

You’ve all heard the mantra “money doesn’t buy happiness.” While cliche, the sentiment behind it is completely true, but it’s also extremely simplistic.

It requires diving in deeper to the root issue. Isn’t having more money better than being broke? Sure, of course it is. The reality is, simply making more and more money is not going to increase our happiness levels. Often times, it’s the exact opposite...


No More FOMO – Frugal Living Doesn’t Mean You’re Missing Out

Every day we’re bombarded with messages of how we’re missing out on something better. This fear of missing out is often wrongly linked to frugality, as people spend their money frivolously to overcompensate. Spending more money doesn’t buy more happiness, and choosing to live a frugal lifestyle doesn't mean you’re missing out on what life has to offer.

college tuition

Why I Won’t Pay My Child’s College Tuition

Sounds a bit harsh, doesn’t it? It may be an unpopular choice to make, but I’ve thought about this a lot, and think it would be best for all involved. First to preface, I’m not a parent. I actually just graduated college about three years ago. Admittedly, it’s possible for this decision to slowly change when I start raising a child, but for now, I think this is best...

frugal vs cheap

The Difference Between Being Frugal and Being Cheap

We all know who they are. Maybe they’ve pulled the “I forgot my wallet” trick a few too many times. Maybe they load their plate a little too high when a free meal is provided. Or maybe they consistently ask for financial assistance without returning the favor.

Whatever the case, these habits can get extremely frustrating, and eventually lead to strained relationships. We’re talking of course about people who are cheap...

hidden expenses

20 Expenses Everyone Should Look Out For

One of the most important aspects of personal finance is making a budget. Budgeting is a proven method to staying in control of your finances.

Often times, is the little remembered expenses that put us at risk. They are hardly noticeable, or come along so infrequently that we forget to incorporate them into our budget...

savings challenge

5 Easy Hacks to the 52-Week Money Challenge

“This year I’m going to save more money!”

Sound familiar? An extremely common New Year’s resolution, this post is designed to provide some easy hacks to make this saving challenge even more effective.

saving money

No Savings? You’re Doing Something Wrong

Awhile back, a blog post on Elite Daily generated a lot of buzz across social media. In the article, author Lauren Martin dispenses the financial advice to not worry about saving money as a young person, instead “spend money on memorable nights out and enjoy your life.” 

There are numerous reasons why this type of mindset is silly, but this thinking is far from uncommon in this generation.