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End of Year Review & 2020 Goals

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It’s hard to believe we’ve come to the end of another year, and the end of a decade. At the beginning of each year I like to take some time to reflect and think through some over arching goals for the new year. It’s important to take stock on where you currently are, in order to make improvements in your life. This past year I’ve been continuing to refine my daily habits, rather than defining particular areas as “resolutions.”

I made many ambitious goals for 2019, and saw progress in a number of areas. We continue to make good progress both financially and in our careers. I’ve decided to take a similar approach this year, identifying some key areas to focus on. Most of these goals don’t have a specific end point, as I want them to be themes I continue to build on each year.

Recapping My 2019 Goals:

Max out all retirement accounts – SUCCESS – first time we’ve maxed out both of our 401k’s and IRA’s!

Increase blog trafficPARTIAL SUCCESS My goal was to hit 50,000 page views and 100 email subscribers. This year my blog reached close to 57,000 page views and 96 email subscribers. I’m excited by this growth and hope to continue to reach even more people in 2020.

Write another “Rockstar worthy” blog post – INCOMPLETE – Unfortunately, Rockstar Finance was sold and went downhill in a hurry in 2019, so this no longer become a possibility.

Travel to new placesSUCCESS – This year was full of many exciting trips to new places! In late February I went to baseball Spring Training in Arizona. In March we went to Europe and visited Spain, France, and Italy. I went on a quick East Coast trip and visited Boston, New York, Washington DC, and Philadelphia in May. New York again in September, Colorado in October for a wedding, and capped off the year with my first trip to Las Vegas! These trips included visiting 4 new baseball ballparks, meaning I’ve now been to 14 out of the 30 MLB ballparks.

Continue to work on my daily habitsSUCCESS While my daily habits will always be a work in progress for me, I completed my main goals of reading 10 books, doing 50 pushups daily (362 out of the last 364 days!), and reading the daily Bible verse on my phone (365/365 days!).

Looking Ahead: Goals for 2020

Throughout the year I didn’t realize I was making such consistent progress in these areas, so it feels good to look back and reflect. Although this year held positives, it also had some difficult times, including the passing of our beloved pup. It’s an effective reminder for me that each year is filled with a mixture of positive and negative moments, and to keep pushing through it.

I’m going to continue to focus on many of the same areas as I did in 2019, hopefully building on my progress.

Max out all retirement accounts – We’re on track to do this again, with IRA’s already maxed out.

Achieve 50% savings rate

Increase blog traffic – My goal will be to hit 75,000 page views and double my email list to 200 subscribers.

Travel to new places – Right now my travel plans are a little up in the air right now. I’m looking forward to the Financial Freedom Summit in St. Louis in early May with my Dad (let me know if you’re going, would love to meet!). There’s a chance I may be traveling to London and New York for work, and could build some vacation plans around those trips. I’m also working on getting the Southwest Companion Pass, which would be very helpful for traveling more. I’d love to visit at least 2 more ballparks this year. Overall, I’m sure 2020 will be filled with new adventures, but I’m unsure what they’ll be yet!

Continue to work on my daily habits – I’d like to continue to build my reading habit, up to 15 books this year. I will continue my pushups streak, but will add other exercises to that daily habit (squats? crunches? pull-ups?)

As always, thanks again for following along! I’m looking to make 2020 an even better year!

For more, be sure to check out my Top 10 Posts from 2019 and tune in next week for a recap of our 2019 spending.

Related Reading:

End of Year Review & 2019 Goals

End of Year Review & 2018 Goals

End of Year Review & 2017 Goals

What were your biggest accomplishments of 2019 and what are your goals for the new year?

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