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Spills Spotlight: Volume 21

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Welcome to this month’s Spills Spotlight! This series consists of a roundup of my favorite personal finance blog posts from around the web, publishing on the last day of each month. If you missed the last Spotlight, you can check it out here.

Throughout the month I read a couple hundred blog posts and include my favorites here. Spills Spotlight is an opportunity for me to share my favorite posts with my readers, and showcase the work of my fellow bloggers within the personal finance blogging community. I hope you enjoy this series, and feel free to comment with suggestions on which posts should be included in upcoming months!

The Magic of 80%

by Embracing Lagom

“Intense and unrivaled focus toward meeting savings or debt pay-down goals can make for a very anxious, perhaps even deprived existence. But here’s the thing – as long as you’re getting things “mostly right” – you’re probably not going to take that much longer to reach your goal by the occasional self-indulgence.”

You’ve Paid Off Your Debt, Now How Do You Invest?

by Financial Panther

“Once you’ve paid off your debt, you’re probably going to wonder what else to do with your money. The natural step is to invest it. And while investing is something that should be simple, the fact is, even in its simplest form, it still requires some basic knowledge, research, and understanding.”

It’s OK to Change Your Mind

by Fiery Millennials

“It’s perfectly fine for you to try something out and decide it’s not for you. It doesn’t matter how much time you spent talking up the changes to friends, family, and random strangers in the parking lot at the grocery store. If something isn’t working for you, you can go back to what did work for you.”

Does the Perfect Job Exist

by Rad Reads

“The pursuit of the perfect anything can be exhausting. Look no further than the hard-charging Tinder swipers in hot pursuit of their actual Prince(ss) Charming. Thompson adds that Millennials are “meaning junkies” and mandate that purpose and employment go hand-in-hand, a formula for burnout.”

How to Travel the World Without Killing Your Spouse

by Millennial Revolution

“The truth is traveling as a couple is a skill, and like any other skill it takes time and deliberate practice to get right. Once you figure it out and master that skill, using it becomes second nature and they, quite frankly, make it look easy. But for someone who’s still learning, practicing that skill seems like trying to climb Mount Everest with a boulder tied to their foot.”

Why I Still Pick Up Pennies

by She Picks Up Pennies

“I still pick up pennies because they matter. They make me smile, and they slow me down. At a time when it’s easier to just rush through life, picking up pennies reminds me of how things were and who my grandma was. They also remind me of who I am.”

One Year Outside the Maze

by Life Outside the Maze

“As I drove that road, I remember the entire change of emotion.  All of the concerns and worries of the job were lifting away.  There was no value in fretting over the changes that we needed to make as a company over time to be successful or how to align our partners to hit our aggressive schedule any more.  It was no longer my concern to deal with.”

Don’t Ever Give Up: Surviving 10 Years in Prison

by Wealth Well Done via Financial Samurai

“If you can learn to see life as a never-ending hallway of opportunities, you’ll never run out of interesting places to travel to.”  A friend once told me, “But…” He continued, “You don’t have to enter every doorway you find open. You are free to enter the opportunities you want to open, and close the doorways you want to walk past.”

Living in a Land of Infinite Possibility

by Alan Donegan via 1500 Days

“Things are going to go wrong as you launch businesses, push your boundaries and try new things and we have to become comfortable with that. Being successful doesn’t mean things don’t go wrong. Being successful means responding differently when they do.”

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