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How Our Daily Choices Impact Our Lives

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I came across a thought provoking video this past week, after hearing it mentioned on the Choose FI podcast.

The premise is about how our small everyday choices ultimately impact our lives. You can check it out below:


Throughout the video we see the main character faced with a series of choices, including:

The longer the video goes on, the more choices he makes. We see his mood and appearance slowly changing based on the choices he’s been making. Gradually, these changes become more and more pronounced. I love this concept, and it’s a good challenge for all of us to be more conscious with the decisions we make everyday.

Here were some of my other key takeaways from this video:

Thinking long-term

The message isn’t that you can never eat junk food, watch TV, or have drinks with friends, but the video clearly shows the importance of thinking long-term. Rather than always indulging in whatever feels good in the moment, we need to practice delayed gratification to prepare ourselves for the future. By making the long-term choice, you’re giving yourself more options in the future. By exercising, eating healthy, saving money, and working hard, we’re setting ourselves up for a happier and healthier future.

Focus on what you can control

There are many circumstances in life that are outside of our control. We don’t get to choose what country we’re born in, our nationality, how much money our parents make, and countless other factors that make up where we are today. However, there are decisions that we make everyday that fall within our circle of control. You can’t control what the number on the scale will say, but you can control what you eat and how many calories you burn. You can control your effort and how hard you work. You can control whether you take an online class or pickup a side job instead of spending all your free hours watching TV or going out drinking at bars.

Being aware of the choices you’re making

Sometimes we go through life on autopilot, without stopping to think about what direction we want to be heading. Gaining awareness is the first step to making positive progress. Take time to reflect on your daily choices, and whether they align with the life you want to lead.

Building habits

The last line of the video is the one that stuck with me: “Small choices become actions, actions become habits, and habits become our way of life.

With each small choice we make, we’re building our future life. We don’t have to be perfect, we just need to make small consistent actions over a long enough period of time, and the results will follow. Rather than relying on willpower, set up systems that help push you towards success. Some examples of this include automating your finances and putting your gym bag right next to the door so that you see it on your way out. As the video shows, when we string together many days of eating healthy, exercising, and working hard – the results are incredible.

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