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Spills Spotlight: Volume 17

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Welcome to this month’s Spills Spotlight! This series consists of a roundup of my favorite personal finance blog posts from around the web, publishing on the last day of each month. If you missed the last Spotlight, you can check it out here.

Throughout the month I read a couple hundred blog posts and include my favorites here. Spills Spotlight is an opportunity for me to share my favorite posts with my readers, and showcase the work of my fellow bloggers within the personal finance blogging community. I hope you enjoy this series, and feel free to comment with suggestions on which posts should be included in upcoming months!

From Addiction to Feeling Like the Wealthiest Woman in the World

by Ms. Fiology via The Retirement Manifesto

“We all are just doing the best we can with what we’ve been given. I recognize that now and blame no one for the twisted path my life took. It’s so typical for people to react out of the wounds of our past and I’m no different. However, if things get bad enough and a person is allowed to hit their bottom and suffer the consequences, they just might be blessed in doing the type of soul searching work which will allow for a different trajectory on life.”

What is Coast FIRE?

by Four Pillar Freedom

“This is why Coast FIRE is so appealing: you can gain a significant amount of freedom long before you’re financially independent.”

The Simple Side Hustle I Used to Earn Over $5,000 as a College Student

by My Money Wizard

“When all was said and done, I probably bought and sold over 30 different softball bats during my junior and senior years of college, earning well over $5,000 in side hustle income. Even better, the adventure taught me some fantastic lessons about making money and running a business. Lessons that anybody could use to start a modest side hustle with the potential to turn into something amazing.”

The Four Stages of My FIRE Journey (so far)

by Fiery Millennials

“That’s kind of what is fun about life though! We get to try these things and if it doesn’t work out, we can always try out new things.”

Choosing Family Over Finances – Becoming a Part-Time Stay at Home Dad

by Burrito Bowl Diaries

“I’m nervous and excited. It’s a new chapter in our lives and I’m excited to see where the road takes us. I don’t know if it’s going to work out or not.  What I do know is I won’t ever regret choosing family over finances.”

Slowing Down for a Better Life

by The Fioneers

“I want to hear stories of people who are figuring out what they value, envisioning their ideal lives, and seeing what they can change right now to make their lives better, even if it takes them longer to achieve financial independence.”

The Best FIRE Gift I Could Have Given My Father

by Frugal Wheels via Budgets Are Sexy

“My gift to my old man whenever a special occasion comes along is almost always a book. I read a lot, and he does too, and every so often I come across a book that I check out from the library that I know he will be fascinated by. But this year I gave him something better – the best gift I think a son can give his father. I told him he was right.”

How to Be Great? Just Be Good, Repeatably

by Steph Smith

“The first step in becoming great is recognizing that you’re likely not already great. In fact, it comes from recognizing that there is no such thing as greatness at a specific instance in time. Greatness is instead a reflection of a period of effort, since greatness in a single instance can be reduced to luck.”

32 Thoughts From a 32-Year-Old

by Ryan Holiday

“I think it’s a mistake for people my age to think about how young they are — to think of getting old and dying as something that happens way off in the future. Instead, I prefer Seneca’s observation, the one about how death isn’t this thing that happens once but as something that is happening right now. We are dying everyday, he said, and each second that passes is lost to death. If we can think that way then we can truly live and not take anything for granted.”

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