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Spills Spotlight: Volume 15

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Welcome to this month’s Spills Spotlight! This series consists of a roundup of my favorite personal finance blog posts from around the web, publishing on the last day of each month. If you missed the last Spotlight, you can check it out here.

Throughout the month I read a couple hundred blog posts and include my favorites here. Spills Spotlight is an opportunity for me to share my favorite posts with my readers, and showcase the work of my fellow bloggers within the personal finance blogging community. I hope you enjoy this series, and feel free to comment with suggestions on which posts should be included in upcoming months!

You Flipped the Script

by Financial Mechanic

“People will keep trying to tell you what to do next. What will make you successful. What you can buy to make your life more enjoyable.”

Frugality Buys Freedom: How and Why I Quite My Corporate Banking Job

by Fly to FI

“Every single dollar that you spend pulls against your financial freedom, and every dollar that you choose not to spend expedites that freedom.”

How I Paid Off $30,000 of Debt Last Year

by Debts to Riches

“Developing a positive relationship with money isn’t going to be about deprivation for me. I’m determined to find a balance between clearing past missteps, enjoying the present with intentionality, and securing a thriving future.”

How to Become a Millionaire – From a Stay-at-Home Mom

by Tried and True Mom Jobs

“Let me first explain what I mean when I talk about becoming a millionaire. I’m not going to talk about the many ways you can make a million dollars, but I’m going to talk about how you can save a million dollars and live off of that income. It’s called retiring early.”

The Complete Guide to Earning More Money in Yours 20s and 30s

by The Mastermind Within

“What I realized though is no matter how much I wanted something, unless I internalized those emotions and did something about it, nothing would happen. I started focusing on what I could control: my thoughts and actions. A few years later, I’ve improved my financial situation through improving myself, and have increased my income.”

7 Different Paths to Financial Independence

by Vital Dollar

“Although a lot of people are working towards the same goal of financial freedom or financial independence (FI), there are several different paths you can take to get there. You don’t have to be a high-income earner in order to have a chance to reach FI.”

9 Money Lessons From My 90-Year Old Grandpa

by Money Saved is Money Earned

“So many people see what others have and focus on how unfair it is. But what most don’t realize is that focusing on what others have doesn’t help you become better, it only helps you become bitter.”

The Modern Trap of Turning Hobbies Into Hustles

by Man Repeller

“We live in the era of the hustle. Of following our dreams until the end, and then pushing ourselves more. And every time we feel beholden to capitalize on the rare places where our skills and our joy intersect, we underline the idea that financial gain is the ultimate pursuit. If we’re good at it, we should sell it. If we’re good at it and we love it, we should definitely sell it.”

The Ultimate Productivity Hack is Saying No

by James Clear

“When you say no, you are only saying no to one option. When you say yes, you are saying no to every other option. Once you have committed to something, you have already decided how that future block of time will be spent. In other words, saying no saves you time in the future. Saying yes costs you time in the future. No is a form of time credit. You retain the ability to spend your future time however you want. Yes is a form of time debt. You have to pay back your commitment at some point. No is a decision. Yes is a responsibility.”

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