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Spills Spotlight: Volume 13

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Welcome to this month’s Spills Spotlight! This series consists of a roundup of my favorite personal finance blog posts from around the web, publishing on the last day of each month. If you missed the last Spotlight, you can check it out here.

Throughout the month I read a couple hundred blog posts and include my favorites here. Spills Spotlight is an opportunity for me to share my favorite posts with my readers, and showcase the work of my fellow bloggers within the personal finance blogging community. I hope you enjoy this series, and feel free to comment with suggestions on which posts should be included in upcoming months!

17 Lessons to Improve Your Money & Life

by Afford Anything

This post from Paula is packed with wisdom and advice, it’s a must read!

“Ask yourself what’s the worst that can happen. Oftentimes, once you start to think through the worst-case scenario, you realize it’s not that bad. Many of the things that scare us are survivable.”

“I Wanted the Unreasonable”

by Jillian via JL Collins

“She is an incredible person. The kind of friend we should all seek. The kind of friend who uplifts us by the sheer, compelling nature of how she has chosen to create her life.”

How to Crush Your Limiting Beliefs to Stop Stressing About Money

by Financially Well Off

“Your brain has the capacity to give and receive care, so you can be supportive of yourself during hard times. Start small by changing the stories you play in your mind after each failure. Eventually, you’ll handle setbacks better, allowing you to live a happier life.”

How to Effectively Ask for a Raise (From Someone Who’s Done it Twice)

by Financial Mechanic via The Luxe Strategist

“Advocating for yourself in the workplace is one of the most powerful tools to increase your income. I want to share with you everything I have learned, so that you can earn what you deserve.”

The Coolest Things I Learned in 2018

by Four Pillar Freedom

Zach shares some brilliant lessons he learned in 2018 that are definitely worth checking out!

The Path is Simple, but it’s Not Necessarily Easy

by Route to Retire

“However, it’s evident that most folks get in the way of their own freedom.  They trip over their own feet and possibly condemn themselves to be a slave to money for the rest of their lives. It seems that we have this innate nature of sabotaging our future.”

Seven Ideas

by Humble Dollar

“If our goal is simply to accumulate more and more, there’s a danger we’ll take reckless risks as we strive for the biggest financial pile possible. A smarter approach: Temper our risk taking—by having a firm idea of what constitutes enough.”

On Facing Death, 7 Years Later

by Twisted Paths

“When we arrived at the hospital, it was eerily quiet.  We were the only people making our way through the usually bustling hallways, and every step seemed to echo.  All three of us were calm; almost unnaturally so.  I was walking to my potential death or permanent disability.  My parents were about to offer their daughter’s life up to the mercy of the doctors and wills of fate.”

This is How to Have a Long Awesome Life

by Barking Up the Wrong Tree

“Your purpose in life doesn’t have to be something epic like single-handedly solving global warming. It can be as simple as meaningful work, a hobby you’re passionate about or just wanting to make sure those grandchildren reach their full potential.”

My Journey Back to Church After a 15 Year Hiatus

by Financial Pilgrimage

“Going to church has made me a better husband, father, colleague, and friend. Let’s face it, we are all kind of messed up. Most of us battle with some level of depression or anxietyor have things that we’ve done in the past that haunt us.”

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