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Reflecting on Life’s Wins and Losses

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Hi everyone, I’m excited to share this with you all! Today’s post features a guest post I did recently with Mike from Miked Up Blog, as part of his Wins and Losses series.

The Wins and Losses series is an interview series that Mike uses to share the stories of bloggers from across the personal finance community. A participant shares 2 of the best and 2 of the worst moments of their life. The point of the series is to learn from the past so that we can improve in the future.

It’s a series that I’ve enjoyed reading, and I’m honored to have my story featured! I love reflecting on life’s journey, and it was challenging to narrow my experiences down to the four I decided to discuss. I love the concept of this interview series, as reflecting on both life’s good and bad events helps you prepare and improve ourselves. It was a useful and thought provoking exercise.

I feel blessed to be where I’m at in life, and strive to live my life focused on being grateful. While I’ve encountered some challenges and obstacles along the way, they pale in comparison to the difficulties that many other people face.

Click here to read the full post, and be sure to let me know what you think by leaving a comment.I’m really happy with how this post turned out and I think you’ll enjoy it. Big thanks to Mike for featuring me and I hope you gain value from it!

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