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Spills Spotlight: Volume 11

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Welcome to this month’s Spills Spotlight! This series consists of a roundup of my favorite personal finance blog posts from around the web, publishing on the last day of each month. If you missed last month’s Spotlight, you can check it out here.

Throughout the month I read a couple hundred blog posts and include my favorites here. Spills Spotlight is an opportunity for me to share my favorite posts with my readers, and showcase the work of my fellow bloggers within the personal finance blogging community. I hope you enjoy this series, and feel free to comment with suggestions on which posts should be included in upcoming months!

Why Everyone Should Have Their Own Business

by Mad Fientist

“Starting a business could be the best thing you do on your path to financial independence and it could be the thing that impacts your happiness most after early retirement.”

The Problem With “Choose a Job You Love and You Will Never Work a Day in Your Life”

by Military Dollar

“There are a lot of reasons why loving a job isn’t enough to make it not be work. That’s true if you are even lucky enough to find a job you love in the first place. It completely ignores all the people who aren’t so lucky.”

Why Your Way is the Best Way

by Accidental FIRE

“Which line up is the right one?  My main answer is “the one I can do”.  Sure I’d like to be good enough to do them all, but mainly I just want to climb the face.    

The goal is the top.  There are tons of different combinations of footholds and hand holds to get there.  The hard part is figuring out the combination that works for you.”

3 Things You Should Never Do When Your Stocks Are Tanking

by My Money Wizard

“What do we do now? How do we prepare for a potential economic downturn?? You might be surprised at my answer, which can basically be summarized as: don’t change a single thing.”

Why Should We Tithe: The Compound Giving Effect

by Wealthy Nickel

“Giving money to charity is just as much an investment as putting it into my 401k. Both earn interest, and if invested wisely produce a return far greater than my initial contribution. In the case of giving, instead of earning interest, it pays dividends in a less quantifiable way: the impact on the lives of those that are direct recipients of my donation, and every life touched by that direct recipient.”

40 Money Lessons Learned After 40 Years on This Earth

by Vital Dollar via Budgets Are Sexy

This post is filled with a lot of wisdom, 40 important money lessons that we can all learn from.

It’s All Relative

by Laurie at The Three Year Experiment

“If we can take a step back and look at what we have in more absolute terms instead of just comparing ourselves in relative terms to our richer neighbors, then hopefully we can see the money available to us for what it is–vast.”

5 Boxing Principles That Have Made Me a Better Investor

by Get Rich Brothers

“If we look closely enough, we will each find crossover points in our lives where lessons from one domain allow us to be better in another. Who we are today is a representation of all we have experienced over the course of life. The lessons I have learned from the sport of boxing have influenced me to be, I believe, a better investor than I would have been had I never laced up the gloves to begin with.”

How to Make Financial Mistakes and Still Achieve Financial Freedom

by The Happy Philosopher

“I love to read blogs about personal finance. I noticed something though, they were all better than me. They seemed to do everything right, and in a way it was a bit discouraging. It is natural to compare our self to others to figure out how we are doing, and maybe you are comparing your situation to mine. I don’t want you to think that I am perfect with personal finance. I have made plenty of mistakes along the way.”

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