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Spills Spotlight: Volume 9

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Welcome to this month’s Spills Spotlight! This series consists of a roundup of my favorite personal finance blog posts from around the web, publishing on the last day of each month. If you missed last month’s Spotlight, you can check it out here.

Throughout the month I read a couple hundred blog posts and include my favorites here. Spills Spotlight is an opportunity for me to share my favorite posts with my readers, and showcase the work of my fellow bloggers within the personal finance blogging community. I hope you enjoy this series, and feel free to comment with suggestions on which posts should be included in upcoming months!

Finding Faith When the Money is Fading Away & Where My Mini-Retirement Mental Breakdown Led Me

by Keep Thrifty

I highly recommend reading this two-part series from Chris and Jaime over at Keep Thrifty, very powerful!

“But beyond the details of my exciting new job, my mental breakdown helped me learn more about myself, life, and faith.

I learned that I have more people that care about me than I had imagined. I’ve gained perspective on where my value lies and what is valuable to me.

I’m better about giving up my need for control and leaning into God’s plans. Letting go and trusting in Him has only ever brought me great things. It’s hard to do in the moment, but awesome to see in action.”

Your Whole Life is Borrowed Time

by Raptitude

“Those problems remained, and they are real problems. But they immediately became only relatively important. They lost their sense of absolute importance. In fact, any personal problem I could think of now seemed to be a small, aesthetic complaint about the grand, mysterious gift of being randomly, unfairly alive that day.”

28 Pieces of Productivity Advice I Stole from Others That Made Me Successful

by Ryan Holiday

“Like all people, I’d like to think I am a productive person. If I am, however, it’s because I’ve been ruthlessly efficient at one thing: stealing secrets and methods from people a lot smarter than me.”

What is Life When it’s No Longer Defined by Work?

by Reflections of a Millennial Doctor

“We have allowed work to become this all consuming part of our lives, and not just in medicine. It’s too easy to become married to our jobs, forgetting there are people at home who are more deserving of our time and attention.”

More Options or More Money?

by Coach Carson

“Instead, most of us lack options, flexibility, time, and the courage to move against the tide of our own society.”

Turning $1 Million into $64 Million

by The Athlete Investor

“The hardest part is patience. It’s waiting around for decades to come and go and see everyone else driving around with fancy cars. It’s being OK with boring and letting compound interest do its thing. The point is this: The financial decisions you make today have a dramatic — a dramatic — impact on your future.”

The Creation Mindset – Accelerate Your Wealth Trajectory

by Retire Before Dad

“I listened to thousands of hours of music, critiquing different bands, memorizing lyrics, playing guitar chords, and searching for music with more complex sounds. During all of that time I spent listening to so many bands and genres, it never dawned on me to start creating music myself. I was a music consumer and connoisseur, but nothing more. What if I had spent some of those hours writing songs and practicing guitar?

The Money Mix

by Mr. Thrifty

Big shoutout to Mr. Thrifty for his launch of a brand new website called The Money Mix! The site highlights the latest and greatest money news, stories, and articles. What a tremendous representation of the personal finance community, I’d encourage you to check it out.

Thanks for reading! Be sure to get updates on all of my latest posts by subscribing via RSS, following me on Twitter, and liking my page on Facebook!

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