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Spills Spotlight: Volume 2

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Welcome to this month’s Spills Spotlight! This series consists of a roundup of my favorite personal finance blog posts from around the web, publishing on the last day of each month. If you missed last month’s Spotlight, you can check it out here.

Throughout the month I read a couple hundred blog posts and include my favorites here. Spills Spotlight is an opportunity for me to share my favorite posts with my readers, and showcase the work of my fellow bloggers within the personal finance blogging community. I hope you enjoy this series, and feel free to comment with suggestions on which posts should be included in upcoming months!

Don’t Compare Your Middle to Someone Else’s Beginning

by I Dream of FIRE

“It would be easy for me to dismiss them, to marvel at their naivety and shake my head at how terrible their financial future is going to be. But it does no one any good for me to compare my middle to their beginning. They may not have had their financial epiphany yet. Maybe they never truly will, or maybe that conversation we are having that very moment is the spark that sets their world ablaze.”

The Dream of Barista FIRE

by Financial Panther

“Basically, the idea behind Barista FIRE is simple – save enough so that you only need to make a little bit of income each year from work in order to fund your lifestyle. If you think about it, if you have enough savings on hand to cover the majority of your life, you only need to earn a little bit more in order to live.”

How A Non-Rich Person Started Investing, and Why You Should Start, Too

by Luxe Strategist

“Investing is how ordinary people like you and me can become wealthy. If you’ve ever wondered how someone has a baller net worth, it’s probably because they invest. Wealthy people don’t save their way to riches. They put their money to work.”

Identity Theft

by Fired and Free

“With that said, the experience of having my identity stripped has allowed me to see that my “CEO identity” was never “real” to begin with. It was in my head and a creation of my imagination. While my ego has created a new identity to provide stability and balance, I know that it’s just temporary as well.”

The Final Words of a Dying Man

by Fritz at The Retirement Manifesto

“The Final Words of a Dying Man reveal his character of generosity, selflessness and genuine human caring. He was “thinking it might trigger some ideas for you“. He was thinking about ME. He was ALWAYS thinking of others.”

Leaving the Best Job I Ever Had

by Penny at She Picks Up Pennies

“Today, the best full-time job I’ve ever had is ending. Don’t get me wrong. I’m going back to a pretty fantastic one. But as I pull out of our driveway and say goodbye to my maternity leave, I can’t help but think about the sixteen-pound drooling baby bossman who made that job so wonderful.”

What the Rich Do Differently: Habits That Foster Wealth and Success

by J.D. Roth at Get Rich Slowly

“Regardless your circumstances, you can increase the odds that you’ll achieve your goals if you model your actions on those of the people you want to emulate. In life, there are often default options. If you don’t consciously and deliberately choose something different, you get the default. Most people live their lives in default mode. They accept the default without question.”

To Be Rich Be Unpopular

by Chris Reining

“Then why aren’t more people becoming rich? It’s because living within your means is hugely unpopular. It’s popular to say, “I want to be rich.” People tell me that all the time, and I tell them to start by cutting out something small. They tell me that’s impossible because they’ve cut everything to the bone and so my advice doesn’t apply to them. That’s fine, but don’t complain to me that the advice doesn’t work. It does, you’re just choosing to do what’s popular, and doing what’s popular will never make you rich.”

Avoiding Burnout Along the Path to FI

by The Happy Philosopher on Millennial Boss

“My point is it is hard for most people to really stay motivated, and if you stumble and fall you are not a bad person. You are simply human. This is normal. The concepts of personal finance are simple and easy. It is the psychology and human behavior side of things that is hard.”

How Bad Do You Want It?

by Eric Thomas

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.”

This is my favorite motivational video. The speaker, Eric Thomas, was a high school dropout living in abandoned warehouses. Now he’s a world class motivational speaker for professional athletes, entrepreneurs, and business people everywhere. Stick with it as it builds throughout the whole video. I’ve even taken a clip from this video to use for my alarm clock in the morning the past few years. It makes me want to attack my goals and dreams! I have no doubt you’ll be inspired as well.


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