7 Best Apps to Improve Organization & Productivity
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Source: Pexels
Nowadays, there are countless mobile apps that all claim to make our lives better. So how do we decide which ones to incorporate into our daily routine and which ones to avoid? I recently wrote about the 6 best personal finance apps. For this post, I’ve gone through and selected some of the best apps available to help you be more organized and productive in everything you do.
Here are the 7 best apps to improve organization & productivity:
1. Evernote

Source: It’s All Part of the Plan WordPress
Evernote is an ideal app for keeping all your notes and paperwork organized. You can type in to-do lists, scan documents, snap pictures, insert videos, clip portions of web pages, and more. These notes are automatically synced between your computer and smartphone, so you can access them whenever and wherever you need them.
2. Moment

Source: Digital Trends
Moment is an iOS app that automatically tracks how much you use your iPhone and iPad each day. You can set daily limits for particular apps or for your device in general. Then, if you end up going over the allotted time you’ll be notified. You can even have your device lock when you’re over the limit. The app’s purpose is to help bring awareness to how often we’re using our devices, and hopefully get people to choose alternative methods for spending their time.
3. Overcast

Source: Mac Stories
Overcast is a podcast player with some cool additional features. The app lets you increase playback speed without any distortion, helping to shorten silences in talk shows. Everything still sounds natural while you listen, but it ends up saving a lot of time. You can also normalize the volume level with the “Voice Boost” feature, ensuring the entire show is clear and at the same volume. Create smart playlists and order by priority level, and new episodes get inserted automatically.
4. Pocket
Have you ever come across something interesting while browsing the internet or social media that you want to save and view later? Pocket lets you do exactly that, storing articles, videos, social media posts, and pretty much anything you want all in an easy to use format. Save directly from your browser or apps and then access it on your phone, tablet, or computer, without needing Internet connection!
5. Paprika Recipe Manager

Source: The Sweet Setup
Paprika is the best way to organize your custom digital cookbook. Easily search, clip, and store your family’s favorite recipes. Once you’ve added your recipes, organize them by category or ingredient. The app will also automatically generate a grocery list from the recipes you select. Now meal planning and grocery shopping can be much less time consuming!
6. Unroll.me

Source: Social Media Slant
Don’t be one of those people with thousands of unread emails. Unroll.me is the best tool for cleaning up your email inbox and making it usable again. It scans your inbox and generates a list of all the email lists you’ve subscribed to. Then go down the list and choose one of three options, “Keep in Inbox”, “Roll Up”, or “Unsubscribe”.” “Keep in Inbox” will leave the subscription untouched. Unsubscribing will stop future emails from coming in. By choosing Roll Up, the subscription will be included in a daily newsletter that displays a short preview.
Now instead of having to unsubscribe to certain websites one by one, you can get rid of the ones you don’t want within minutes. Additionally, it’s much less of a hassle to receive one daily newsletter instead of dozens of emails to sort through.
7. Mint

Source: iMore.com
Mint is a very popular finance app that will aid you in tracking your spending habits with monthly budgets, goals, trends, bill reminders and even allows you to view your credit score — all for free. You can also set spending limits for different expense categories and Mint will email or text you an alert once you’re about to go over, or have exceeded, this budget. I’ve written extensively about WHY Mint is such a useful tool, and HOW I utilize Mint for our monthly budget.
Final Thoughts
No matter what area of your personal life you’re looking to improve, there’s likely an app to assist in that journey. These seven apps will greatly aid in the goal of a more healthy, organized, and productive lifestyle.
See the original post featured on DealsPlus: Best Apps to Improve Organization & Productivity
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